Saturday, September 6, 2008

The “knock out question” - what is it?

I'd asked Stan to expand on his "knock out question he described last Wednesday.
Here it is:
The "knock out question" is designed to quickly qualify your prospect early on in your first F2F meeting.
Most of us have described what are target market candidate is. Say your target is a firm with multi location offices..

After locking in with a target, your next step is "How likely will I do business with him/her?"
Your business and each of our businesses has a subtle qualifier that will reveal our chances of doing business. To make my business model work, say the minimum number of offices my target should have is 10.

For example, if you're selling telecommunications devices based on volume of devices, say fax machines, your subtle question may be, "Your say your firm is growing, just how many offices in your firm use fax machines today and what is the total number of offices do you expect to have by this time next year? " If his/her answer is two now and two more at this time next year, that's a prospect not to spend too much time on. However, if the person said 9 offices now and forecast for a total of 15 by this time next year, he/she may be well worth moving the sales process to your next step.

Thank you, Stan.
The JoeNetworks group appreciates it

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