Friday, May 29, 2009

JoeNetworks - Design

Hey Joe,

Dee and I are inviting people to a wonderful couple workshops coming up. 
I did this quickie, rough draft of design changes to her front page in order to 
show her how people read and click through.

Time is short. Seats are limited. Sign up here.

For local immediate career assistance - read here.

Your Message Doctor is not limited to words.
Let's do better work and have more fun.


This draft was mostly done with screen shots opened into a page in Illustrator. 
The yellow box/text was added in Illustrator, and another screen shot was taken. 

Then, the before and after were lined up for a final shot.

David L. White -
Freelance writer, editor, proofreader
1-800-642-9050 • 414-282-7185

JoeNetworks - See you in June

Hey Joe,

Yes, it was cold and rainy on Wednesday and a few of us were there anyway.

I'd seen this TV show on the Science channel about networks and connections.
It will be on a few more times in the next few days.
See if you can record it or tune it. Fascinating.

Connected: The Power of Six Degrees

• We talked a bit about and Charlie is on a year-long investigation to offer some monthly training via the web.

• It was Jody's birthday on Wednesday. I asked how she was and she said "A day older."
Happy birthday to our waitress.

• Our condolences to Matt Koeppler on the passing of his father.

• Stan said he share his presentation with us next Wednesday. Branding, I think.

• Bob Striegel says hello and recently wrote a recommendation for Your Message Doctor.
Thank you Sandy for your recent recommendation as well. LinkedIn has a JoeNetworks group.

• John Phillips was Business of the Month at Joline's branch of North Shore Bank.

• Here are some tips for actually geting writing done.

• LinkedIn Live to Hold Networking Event at Discovery World - June 1st
Space is limited, so networkers are encouraged to pre-register at

• We do have a couple new Joe's attending. Please visit the blog. You can send me your
contact information and I will put a post up there - another place to look for you,
your information, services, etc.

• Don't forget - you can Reply All to this email and talk to the group yourself.
It doesn't have to come through me. Just don't be spammy, Sammy.

See you Wednesday morning.

David L. White -
Freelance writer, editor, proofreader
1-800-642-9050 • 414-282-7185

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 20th 2009

Hey Joe,

Once again several of you emailed me that you would not be able to attend and I do greatly appreciate that. Thank you.

I stood up, said 'good morning' and Stan took over from there. I was surprised and grateful. What a pleasant event. Sometimes it's nice when someone else drives.

The meeting was nicely moderated and I am encouraging each and every one of you to take a turn. There's really very little to it. Meet and greet.

"Exude confidence, not desperation." was his tip for the day.
Thank you, Stan.

Burt stood up and said he is in the same business as we are. A very clever way to introduce SendOutCards. We do need to send more cards. Talk to Burt. He can help.

He also mentioned the book Book Yourself Solid, by Michael Port.
I've read it. You could, too.

By the way, there is a link problem to the blog on that site. I guess they need a proofreader, eh? at your service.

Thanks, Burt.

Charlie wanted us to look at Why was that Charlie?
Something about a new tool that might be beneficial for several of us.

Jim Barrett paid us a visit today. He does commercial and residential electronic installations from home theater to video security systems. We think he had a good time. A good referral for him right now would be property managers.

P.S. Sandy, could you forward this email to Kathy E. and Jim B.
These two do not have emails on their business cards and I will talk to them about that.

Thank you.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

JoeNetworks 5/13/09

Hey Joe,

On Tuesday last, Sandy Walden emailed that she was getting plenty of hits on her site and not enough calls. 
Could we look at her site? And, even with the short turnaround time, she got good, solid, actionable notes 
from us this morning. And she won the breakfast kitty. Yaay Sandy!

Some of the observations included considering Reiki as something unknown and apart from Christian 
beliefs and therefore a thing to be skipped. Needs a fix. Someone else said that she might be interested in 
Reiki and went to click off Sandy's site and go to one of her listed resources; a competitor.

Someone thought the front page blog took up too much space and that someone might be more inclined 
to read a blog once we know more about her and her business.

Some said the presentation was too personal. Some said not personal enough.

Someone wondered if Sandy was a certified coach. She is. Is the certification not communicated 
clearly enough? Is there a logo from the certifying body?

Charlie - Thanks for referring your contact to my niece regarding her intern position. I think they 
communicated and Sarah, through other contacts, has found a spot near her work. We thank you.

Joline said that John Phillips is the featured Business of the Month at her North Shore Bank. Cool.

Christine is getting connected and busy. Prom season.

ProfePat- reminder - Sandy wants specific information from  about upcoming community Spanish courses. 
Where? When? How much?

Bill Langford brought handouts and the week before posted some useful information on the 
JoeNetworks LinkedIn group. Go to, search Groups for JoeNetworks and join in.

Claire gets the morning JS paper and brought an article on B2B Networking she wanted to share.

Here are the links.

There was a small group. Claire surprised us and bought breakfast for everyone that ordered. Thank you, Claire.

See you Wednesday, Joe.

David L. White - Your Message Doctor
Freelance writer, editor, proofreader
1-800-642-9050 • 414-282-7185
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